ACH is offering a new mode of participation for the 2024 conference. With the launch of regional hubs, ACH is hoping to support smaller, more localized events, related to the larger conference but centered in specific regions, whether geographical (i.e. Midwestern US, Atlantic seaboard ACH, PNW ACH), national (i.e. Irish ACH, Moroccan ACH, etc), or theoretical (i.e. Cultural Analytics ACH, environmental digital humanities ACH). Organizers can be creative in imagining new topographies for the regional ACH that enhance and expand the mission of the Association. Regional hubs will provide exciting new opportunities for participation beyond the major conference and suggest new hubs for Digital Humanities research, teaching, and activism. We’ll be accepting up to five regional hub applications to pilot this November.
Each regional hub will be hosted by local institutions independently but in conversation with the major conference, and we encourage hosts to be creative about how these regional hubs connect with the ACH 2024 Conference. To that end, we encourage organizers to plan for events (whether in-person or remote) that do not overlap with the main conference but take place in proximity. We also encourage hosts to imagine new possibilities for collaboration with regional institutions outside higher education, including cultural organizations, museums, historical societies, and libraries. Regional hubs are meant to expand the network of DH work beyond the main conference.
To support regional hubs, interested parties can apply for limited funding to defray some costs associated with hosting. Successful applicants will receive up to $500 toward hosting a regional hub, which can be used to support activities such as in-person conference watch parties, workshops, and social gatherings (excluding alcohol). Proposed expenses are subject to approval. To apply for these funds, regional hub hosts must submit a letter of approval from their institution.
Hosts should submit an abstract outlining the following:
- How will the regional hub interact with the main conference i.e. watch parties, supplemental panels, outside events? Will it be offered online or in-person?
- What is the particular regional character of the hub? How will you recruit participants?
- Who are the potential partners or collaborators in organizing the regional hub?
- How do you plan to use funds from ACH to support your regional hub? (Note: Proposed expenses are subject to ACH approval.)
Please submit your 500-word abstracts to Matthew Hannah, Regional Hub Coordinator, at hannah8 AT purdue DOT edu by Monday, September 30, 2024 at 11:59pm Eastern Time. Hosts will be notified by the end of September and will be responsible for organizing and recruiting participants for their hub. Each hub will be expected to adhere to the ACH Code of Conduct.